Solidarity is an effective tool of equality and inclusion

By the Editorial Staff

Monday | December 16, 2013 | 5:58 PM | Last update: September 22, 2016, 4:07 PM (Brasilia time)

Despite the countless individual, social, and political efforts to eradicate poverty on a world scale, the subject is worrying and it is a constant topic in international debates. In addition to the physical need for nourishment, egalitarian strategies for access to health care, housing, drinking water, and education need to be discussed. These elements are all essential for the autonomy and full development of individuals. Inequality jeopardizes this scenario even more, since poverty marginalizes social groups and perpetuates cycles of violence and discrimination, making it impossible to lead a harmonious social life.

Vivian R. Ferreira

This is why for more than 65 years the Legion of Good Will (LBV) has been proposing social mobilization campaigns and socio-educational and socio-assistance programs that fight contempt for individuals and indifference to their condition. Its proposal is to apply the values of Ecumenical Spirituality*1 to Education. These values make education an effective strategy for social, environmental, economic, and political investment for promoting the equalitarian and fraternal development of society and raising the awareness of individuals of the importance of experiencing an Ecumenical Citizenship. 

The President of the LBV and creator of the Organization’s own teaching methodology, educator Paiva Netto, argues: Love is not the degradation of bodies or minds, but the Power of God or a Superior Wisdom (as our atheist Brothers think) in us. It is the most intelligent Policy that an individual can conceive of. Otherwise, the Earth will be afflicted by the painful opposite of this, such as the suicidal ecocide we see all around us, for example. We need to spiritualize people within the Ecumenism of Hearts. Only then and with perseverance will the various segments of society start to live in harmony, however long it takes for this to happen.*2

Egeziel Carlos

Get to know the recommendations of the LBV sent to the UN for eradicating poverty and for the sustainability of nations, based on education.

The Organization is present in 7 countries, where it manages Schools, Social Service Centers, and Homes for the Elderly. Activities also extend to include educational projects and campaigns for raising awareness about Life and valuing it. Numerous children, teenagers, young people, adults, the elderly, and entire families receive the conditions they need to develop their potential and rise up again to build and rebuild their individual and collective stories. 


Check out the story of Mrs. Maria Raimunda, from Maranhão (Brazil), who, because of the courses she attended in the LBV’s Social Service Center, was able to change her financial, personal, and family life for the better:                 



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Ecumenical Spirituality — This ideal of the Legion of Good Will is present in all its socio-educational actions, since it is understood as “the cradle of the most generous values that come from the Soul, the home of emotions and of reason illuminated by intuition, the environment that encompasses everything that transcends the common field of matter and is derived from the sublimated human feeling, such as Truth, Mercy, Morality, Ethics, Honesty and Brotherly Love.” A passage taken from the book É Urgente Reeducar! [It is Urgent to Re-educate!], which is the fundament of the LBV’s educational proposal, written by educator Paiva Netto, the author of various best-sellers who has sold more than 6 million books in Brazil and abroad.

*² Extract taken from the best-seller “It is Urgent to Re-educate!”, by writer Paiva Netto, in the chapter “The Ecumenism that is compassionate with sorrow”.